1. When did you first start singing?
2. What was the first tune you remember learning?
TP: I am going to answer Questions 1 and 2 together. I was about 4 years old and we lived in a really nice neighbourhood where every Sunday night there was a party in a different house. Everyone took their turn to hold this party. I remember being put on a chair and being instructed to sing. I sang a song called "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" I must have learned the song from my mother. I also remember getting drunk that night also, because I got a little glass of Guinness after the song and I am not sure if I asked to sing again, but I do remember singing about 5 times and of course each time I sung, I got a glass of Guinness. I have a vivid memory of my mother picking me up from the floor and bringing me home to bed.
3. Which musicians influenced you most?
TP: My favourite ALL TIME singer/musician is an Irish Ballad Singer called Luke Kelly, who used to sing with a very famous Irish Ballad Group called The Dubliners. I learned On Raglan Road from his singing
4. Which famous musicians have you sung or performed with?
TP: Johnsmith, of course, Emmy Lou Harris, Burl Ives and John Spillane.
5. Who are your current favorite musicians?
TP: John Spillane, Christy Moore, Johnsmith, Ray Wylie Hubbard and Susan Werner
6. Can you tell us a little about your rugby background?
TP: I was a lazy rugby player, but I had a really nice career. I played at the top level in Ireland with Ireland's No. 1 rated team. I played against some of Ireland's, (and the world's) best players on a weekly basis. Rugby was not a professional game at that time, but it is now, but I have no regrets. I truly enjoyed my career. I did have a few serious injuries though, which I feel held back my progress. I broke both ankles, my thigh, my nose and dislocated my elbow, which was by far my most painful injury.
7. How did you meet Johnsmith?
TP: I had a pub in Limerick and had John perform there a few times. That was about 9/10 years ago and we became really good friends pretty quickly.
8. What kind of things do you do to prepare for the tour season?
TP: I spend my Winter in USA meeting and greeting travellers and of course I meet every tour leader also. I then get to work on hotel bookings and last, but not least I organise the music.
9. What is the funniest thing that's ever happened to you on a tour?
TP: This incident happened to a certain tour leader. On our first tour, we thought that we should close every pub, every night, so one night in Doolin we went to the pier to see the stars. It was a wonderful night. We were standing on the pier looking at the sky when out leader needed to pee. He stood back, but did not realise that there was a sloping pier and the drop was about 6 feet and the tide was out. He got such a fright that he bounced back up again, without anyone noticing. I think it also helped that he had some Guinness on board.
10. What is your favorite thing about this country? Least favorite?
TP: The people for sure. I have met some wonderful people over here. I can honestly say that something really nice has happened to me here, every single day. My least favourite is that a lot of people are impatient.
11. What is your favorite thing about Ireland? Least favorite?
TP: My favourite thing about Ireland is our attention to the Arts. Music, culture and literature as so very important and not just the property of the rich either. I DOOOO HATE THE RAIN IN IRELAND
12. Can you tell us something surprising about yourself?
TP: I am a really shy person. I do get very uptight when there are a lot of people around who I do not know. However, for some reason it does not happen when I am on tour.
Tom, thanks for taking the time to let us learn a little more about you. I'm sure none of us will ever figure out who that *certain tour leader* from #9 could possibly be :) We've all unanimously agreed how fortunate we were to have you as our incredible guide. Let's hope to be able to do it all over again sometime. For now, we can sit back, watch and listen as once more you take us with you down Raglan Road....... (and next time you'll have to sing Beautiful Isle of Somewhere for us too!)
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